Prints of some images are available here.



Photographs by George Bebensee

Georgetown, KY USA

43 thoughts

  1. Your work is stunningly beautiful and unique. I love the interactive quality and movement of it. The amount of work that you put into each piece is astounding. You are an example of human creativity at its finest.

  2. Hi there. Thanks for dropping by and liking my very first photo-blog. I love your photographs. Some of them reminded me of the Impressionist style and have a tremendous effect. Thank you of sharing and I look forward to more.

  3. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my blog! If you have any suggestions, requests or travel questions just let me know! I’m on my way over to your blog to see what you are up to!
    Wow, what great photographs you have! A great way to look at photography and art! CadyLuckLeedy

  4. Thanks so much for visiting my blog -Fun With Filters- I appreciate it very much. I’ve enjoyed my visit here – your photos are very good. 🙂

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog, I love the affects you have given your photos so easy to get wrong, but yours are delightful.

  6. I agree with other bloggers – you are talented; your photos are amazing. If you decide to teach an e-class, please let me know. 😉
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Always fun to see what other artists are up to! Thanks for checking out my blog… really like your photos and the way they show movement. They aren’t static… great flow!

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